Auditors Edition – Key Features
Audit signifies a phase of intense planning followed by a hectic schedule. With full cognizance of its criticality, we at Tally continue to do our bit to facilitate the process by enriching Tally.ERP 9 – Auditors’ Edition with features that:
- Ease verification and collation of data
- Simplify the audit process with a 3-dimensional micro-analysis
- Reflect accurate results with Professional Standards
Our aim is to continuously develop the audit tool and make it more comprehensive in terms of power, speed and accuracy; making it a MUST HAVE CAAT Tool for a practicing Chartered Accountant. Unlock the potential of Tally.ERP 9 – Auditors’ Edition and take auditing to a higher level.
- Audit Programme
- Audit Working Papers
- Analytical Procedures
- Multiple Sampling Methods including Benford Analysis
- Schedule VI Financial Statements
- Verification of Opening Balances, General Ledger Analysis/Scrutiny
- Repeated Transactions
- Periodic Payments & Receipts
- Relative Size Factor (RSF)
- Audit Journals
- Checklist of Accounting Standard (AS) and Audit & Assurance Standard (AAS) compliance
- Tax Audit – Form 3CD with Annexure, Form 3CA & Form 3CB