Company’s Logo is not printing on reports/invoices printed from remote client
Tally.ERP 9 provides the capability to print Company Logo on vouchers/invoices/reports from Server or Client machine. To print the company logo, the image has to be saved as a Bitmap or JPEG image file and placed in the location (E.g. C:\Tally.ERP9\CompLogo.bmp) specified while Enabling Company Logo. Further, users have to ensure that the extensions .bmp /.jpg are also specified while providing the location of the Logo. While Printing the Logo Tally.ERP 9 will search the image in the Location specified and Company’s logo is printed on the top left of the respective voucher, report, or invoice.
Currently, the Company Logo is not getting printed on the reports/invoices printed (by enabling logo printing) from the Remote Client.
To print Company Logo on Invoice/Report, in Remote Client save the image file (with same name and format) in the location as specified in the Server.
Resolution for the above-stated problem will be provided in Tally.ERP 9 Series B JAS (July, August, September) Release.