Tally Developer Solutions
The TDL language capabilities allow the TDL programmer to build complete solutions and deploy them with ease. Listed below are a few capabilities
- Rapid Report Design and development using various formats.
- Advanced-Data Processing Capabilities using Collections.
- Complex Report generation using Tally Database.
- User-defined additional storage fields within the Tally database.
- Customising Voucher Entry and printing in multiple formats
- Multiple Output Capability like email, print, display, etc
- Modifying existing default Reports to incorporate/ alter required fields
- Modify the existing user entry screens as required
- Non-procedural language with procedural capability with User-Defined Functions
- Remote Access Capability using Collections.
- Advanced Integration Capabilities of the Language
- Invoice Printing, Payment Advice Printing, Voucher Printing, etc. in user desired pre-preprinted or plain formats
- Various Columnar reports like Batch wise Item wise Reports, Item wise Party wise Outward and Inward Movement Analysis
- Various security-related controls like Voucher Type wise Entry Control, control the table of selection based on users like Sales persons can view only Debtors Ledgers, etc.
- Customisation of Synchronization i.e., One-way sync, Masters Only, Voucher Type wise Sync between various branches and HO
- Creation of multiple Approval Levels
- Labels and Bar Code Printing
- Auto creation of Masters/ Transactions as required
And many more…